Friday 4 May 2012

My Assignment (continued)

Influences and Ideas from others
In my sketchbook I looked at different artists that had drawn the places I have been on holiday, originally I was going to incorporate this into my final piece. I decided not to as I am not very confident at drawing, and felt my drawings were not good enough. Also in my sketchbook I have made a section on the different countries I have been to and how they live differently to me. I wrote about France, Spain, Italy, Greece, Switzerland, Turkey and West Wales and how they are important to me. 

Development of Ideas
For my ICT idea I will need to decide:
- what countries I will use
- what photos 
- slide transitions
- titles, captions and credits.

For my non-ICT idea I will also need to decide:
- what photos to use (preferably ones that look similar to postcards)
- what countries I will use to write about
- how I will make the photos look like postcards

I then had to decide how to attach the postcards to the map and what I wanted to write on the postcards. 

Making my project - the whole process
I began by planning my sense of place by making a picture board with what I think means a sense of place. We did this in one of our sessions for Suzie. 
I decided to make my project on an A1 piece of paper, then glued the two pieces of paper together to give it a bit of thickness. 
I drew a map of Europe on the paper by copying a picture which I had found the internet. 
I decided to use Acrylic paints to paint the countries and watercolour to paint the sea. 
After attempting to paint the sea with watercolour I discovered it wasnt very effective and looked too streaky. 
I decided to paint the sea in Acrylic too. 
I painted the sea and then outlined the countries with think black pen and wrote the names of the countries. 
I then began making the postcards, I cut card using pinking shears, I printed out my photos and glued them onto the card. I wrote on the cards why each country is important to me and interesting. 
I made the card look like a postcard by drawing a stamp place and using the same layout as a postcard. I cut up small pieces of string and made holes in the postcards using a hole punch. 
I put string through the card and hung them near the relevant country. They have the writing face down so the picture is showing, and is the main visual feature. You can turn the postcards around to read the descriptions.

And this is my final piece :) 

Throughout this project I had kept my one favourite idea in mind, I really enjoyed this project as it gave me a chance to express myself in a different way. Normally we are assessed by essays or presentations, and although this was a presentation in a way, it was a test of our creativity. It was nice to use lots of colour and images as normally in an essay you dont really get an opportunity to do that. I would have liked to have used both my non ICT and ICT ideas as it would have been nice to show I am willing to use both types of visual communication. But although I didnt use both ideas I still incorporated to use of ICT and non   ICT as I used a camera to take the photos originally, and edited and printed them using a computer. Also the non ICT side to things was my drawing of the map of Europe and painting the countries. I really enjoyed being so creative during this project, and I would definitely like to do something similar again.
My Assignment (the beginning)

For my visual communication assignment I have decided I want to do, after seeing example projects in Mandy's sessions a few months ago, I think it would be nice to make a sketchbook full of photos of my sense of place, I have decided that I will base my project on my holidays.  Photos are a big part of my life, I like looking back at the memories I've had and the important people in my life in those memories. 

In my halls my room wall is full of photos, and lots of different things to remind me of my memories such as train tickets etc. 

   My room in halls

I made a mind map of the things I love and what means a sense of place to me.

I also did a picture board of all different cut outs from magazines and newspapers that remind me of different things I love, such as school, home, friends, and family. 
I decided to mind map some ideas of what to do to present my visual communication project.   
Some of my ideas are :
  • research about different countries
  • photos of my holidays
  • how it has effected my life/upbringing
  • holidays I've been on
  • how I have developed my understanding of the world
  • the people I have met
  • how they live different to how I live
  • etc..
I research some potential pictures from my holiday I could use.
I finally decided on my two ideas, the non ICT-based on being the map with postcards, and the ICT-based being the movie of my holiday photos.

Wednesday 2 May 2012

Alice Davies - 13/03/2012

Widening access in the Welsh context

Alice Davies is a member of South West Wales Reaching Wider Consortium. Widening access is  about increasing opportunities for people from a diverse range of backgrounds to benefit from higher education. 

   We want to see a country where every individual is given equal opportunity to fulfil their potential, maximise their earning potential and contribute to society’
 Jane Davidson AM
Minister for Education and Lifelong Learning
March 2002
Why are they widening access?
- HE is required to provide equality
- There is still poverty
- Increase the number of people from under represented groups in higher education such as
disabilities, low income families, black and ethnic minority communities, people from
communities first wards, looked after children and care leavers.

Under represented groups are:
- people from specific black and ethnic minority communities
- people with disabilities
- people from low income families
- people from Communities First wards
- looked after children and care leavers.

Communities First
Communities first support the 100 most deprived areas in Wales.
'Communities First is the Welsh Government's flagship programme to improve the living 
conditions and prospects for people in the most disadvantaged communities across Wales.'
Welsh Government (2012)
The Welsh Index of Multiple Deprivation (2000) focuses on income, employment, health,
education, housing, access to services.

HEFCW – Higher Education funding council for Wales.

- Fee planning -  justify why they are charging amount of money for fees, plan who will
benefit from the money.
- WA premium - widening access premium, uni gets more money if you come from a
deprived place, or have a disability, basically any of the points above.
- WA strategy funding 
- Reaching Wider - was established in 2002 by HEFCW to break down the barriers and
widen access to learning, and the support social inclusion and economic up-skilling. 
'The strategy set out a range of targets for higher education Wales, to be achieved by 2010,
relating to widening access, Welsh medium provision, Wales as a destination of first choice,
overseas students, reducing overhead costs, 'spinout' companies from universities and
research income.' Higher education funding council for Wales (2009).

Alice also talked about the three regional partnerships; North and Mid Wales, First Campus
- South East, South West Wales partnership. The South West Wales partnership consists of 
Swansea, Neath-Port Talbot, Carmarthenshire, and Pembrokeshire. The members of the 
partnership are HE, FE, Local authorities, Careers Wales, Third sector, and  Communities
First. Their aims are encourage progression to higher education, assist with enhancing
achievement, work with severe relative social disadvantage, focus on underrepresented

She then went on to tell us about the work that she does. They aim to raise aspiration and
raise attainment. There are programmes for different school years to encourage people from
different background to enter higher and further education. 
Her aims for the future are:
Contextual admissions
•More HE in FE
More part time study/distance learning
•More Adult Education

Welsh Government (2012) Communities First Retrieved 2nd May 2012 from

Higher education funding council for Wales (2009) Reaching Higher strategy for higher
education - Retrieved 2nd May 2012 from

Wednesday 29 February 2012

Visual Communication Lesson 5 - 27/02/2012

Today we discussed emotions at the beginning of the seminar, we looked at photos and talked about what we think they are trying to make us feel and how do they make us feel. We then had to pick an emotion and walk round campus taking pictures using cameras,ipods and phones relating to that particular emotion. I chose the emotion of fear and these are my pictures so far :
'fear of electrocution' 


 'fear of darkness'

 'fear of hoodies'

'being scared' 

'fear of heights'

Visual Communication Lesson 4 - 20/02/2012

Today we discussed more on our sense of place. We brought in 5 things that mean something to us and discussed why they meant something. 
We started to create a board between groups of 3/4 about our sense of place. We used magazines and newspapers to look through and cut out things that make us thinks of our sense of place. By the end of the lesson we had a A3 collage of our sense of place, it mainly consisted of pictures of homely things, such as a child cooking with his mother, walking etc.

This is our sense of place board :

Visual Communication Lesson 3 - 13/02/2012

We began the lesson by talking about our sense of place. We discussed things such as :

  • identity
  • home
  • family
  • culture
We talked about what a sense of place means to us. We wrote down our sense of place on individual pieces of paper and threw them around the class until each person had someone else sense of place, one by one we read them aloud and then we asked the people to give more detail about what the particular sense of place meant to them. My sense of place was my grandma's house, she passed away a few years ago, but through my childhood I went to her house everyday and basically grew up there. She was more than a grandmother to me she was like a second mum and I really felt like I belonged there, that's why I chose that as my sense of place.
Our homework that was set in this lesson was to remember when we felt a strong emotion and express and discuss it.

Mike Day - 28/02/2012

Mike Day was another guest lecturer we had to cover for Andy whilst he was away. Mike Day is the Chair of the Education Committee and Senior Cabinet Member, City & County of Swansea. He had never taken us for a lecture before and I found his lecture interesting.

He talked about policies in education, including the role of Local Education Authorities, policy and politics. He taught us about education policy and how it is a set of laws and rules that operate the education system, The aim of the policy is to reflect political opinions, tradition and values and to make fundamental choices, he also told us about how it is used to create a work force and to produce rounded individuals, it provides guidelines which are sometimes too strict, and do not allow you to do what you want. 

Considered by the education policy:

  • school size
  • school privatization 
  • class size
  • teachers pay
The education policy is created by politicians and practitioners, within the UK levels and Welsh government. There are a few things the welsh government cannot control such as the compulsory school age and teachers pay, but they can control the delivery of Welsh Medium and the foundation phase as these are specific to Wales.

Steve Gullick - 20/02/2012

Today Steve took a seminar with us because of Andy's absence. He talked about governing bodies within a school, we learnt about under represented people within a governing body.

'The following groups are currently under represented in school governance : black and other minority ethnic groups, disabled people, people with low incomes and people who are unemployed, young people, lone parents and (to a lesser extent) business people. There is, however, a lack of evidence on the underlying factors causing low level involvement in school governance.' Ellis (2003)

The majority of governing bodies are made up of older people normally who have younger children to look after therefore don't have a job and have time to come to governing body meetings.

We discussed the four main different types of governing bodies :

  • The abdicators
These are governors that are not able to get into the school as much as they like, they are very busy. They think that running the school governing body is all common sense and that the money is better spent on books for the children, they leave the running of the school all completely up to the Head Teacher.
  • The adversaries
These governors are always in the school, they sometimes visit without warning to inspect the school. They are very attentive and critical of what they see. They want to make all the decisions for the school.
  • The supporter's club
The head makes the decision with this type of governing body, the governors think themselves are advisers to support the Head Teachers decisions. These governors wont tell you when you are wrong, so this could lead to wrong decisions being made. 
  • The partners
These are the perfect type of governing body. They work in partnership with the Head and the staff, they all trust and respect each other. Only 10% of governing bodies in Wales are 'the partners'.

Steve also gave us a flyer that he had published himself through the Welsh Government about becoming a school governor and why it is a good idea to become one for your business.


Ellis, A (2003) Retrieved 2nd May 2012 from Barriers to participation for under represented groups in school governance.

Tuesday 7 February 2012

Steve Gullick - 07/02/2012

Health and Safety

We talked about health and safety. 

'Health and safety in a school is about taking a sensible and proportionate approach to ensure the premises provide a healthy and safe place for all who use them, including the school workforce, visitors and pupils.' Health and Safety Executive (2011).

We were given a scenario about a school that is going on an overnight trip and we had to write a list of what would be needed on the trip.

-Consent forms
-Parent helpers CRB's
-Risk Assessment
-Teacher:Pupil ratio
-Gender balance of teachers/helpers
-Health and safety forms
-First aid kit & first aiders
-Emergency contact information
-Permission for photos to be taken
-Rules for the children (e.g. Stranger danger etc)
-Accident and incident book
-Policy on valuables and money

After this we discussed another scenario where we are the chair of the governing body. Then we learnt about strategic and tactical planning and how they are used. We discussed the advantages and disadvantages of strategic planning. I found this seminar very interesting, as I didn't realize how much the governing body has to do to keep the school running at a high standard. 

Chair of the governing body
We also talked about the chair of the governing body. We were given a scenario where we had to put ourselves in the position of chair of a governing body and come up with a solution to a problem. Our scenario was :

A fellow governor comes to you two days before your next scheduled meeting with the Head Teacher and tells you a mother had said to them that they are concerned that her child rarely brings texts home to do their homework, especially for History and Geography. The parent is supportive of the school and does not want the issue brought to a full governing body meeting but is obviously not happy and would like something to be done. 

What do you, as chair, do?

  • The governor should tell the parent that they need to go directly to the school as the governing body does not get involved in the day to day running of the school.


Health and Safety Executive - Health and Safety checklist for classroom Retrieved 2nd May 2012 from

Guest Lecturers to cover Andy's absence - 23/01/2012

Unfortunately our lecturer Andy Reynolds was taken ill over the christmas holidays. We have been provided with guest lecturers who will be talking to us about different topics involved with education studies.

Today our guest lecturer is Steve Gullick, he talked to us about the roles of the governing body within a school setting. The governing body do many things, their main role is to promote high standards of educational achievement. They take general responsibility for the conduct of the school, managing the schools budget, including making decisions on staff pay, making sure that the curriculum and religious education are taught. They governing body participate in the appointment of the headteacher and deputy headteacher and other staff, also they are in charge of drawing up an action plan after an inspection.

Steve showed us an example of an agenda for a governing body meeting from a school.


  1. Apologies for absence
  2. Minutes of previous meeting
  3. Matters arising
  4. Head teacher's report
  5. Report of Finance Committee
  6. Progress on School Development Plan
  7. Change of school uniform
  8. Report on Governor's Conference
  9. Any other business
  10. Date and time of next meeting
According to the Department of Education (2012) a governing body has 8 main roles:

  • Allowances and expenses for governors
  • School prospectus
  • Complaints (general and curriculum)
  • Constitution of the governing body and instrument of government  
  • Committees formation, delegation and operation
  • Meetings of the governing body and its committees
  • Register of business interests of governors
  • Standing orders and terms of reference.


Department of Education (2012) Governing Body - an overview Retrieved 2nd May 2012 from

Visual Communication Lesson 2 - 6/02/2012

I wasn't able to attend this seminar because I was unwell. I found out from my classmates what was done during the seminar. They were asked to take with them 5 things that mean something to them. They got a person to lie on the floor and using tape went around the outline of the person. Then they put their 5 objects within the shape and explained why they mean something to them and what the story behind it is. Everyone got up and walked around the groups, if they saw something interesting that they had never seen before, they could ask the group to explain further. This gave them a chance to discover facts independently and communicate visually.

First Visual Communication Lesson - 23/01/2012

We had our first visual communication lesson today. Firstly we sat in a circle and talked about things that mean the most to us. This gave us a chance to get to know our new lecturer. After we discussed different paintings and how we saw them. The first painting we looked at was the famous painting called 'Scream', the class discussed how the painting is being portrayed. The second painting was a picture with the words 'Ich Habe Angst' we discussed this picture and its significance. After the paintings we watched a short film called 'the big shave'. It is of a man having a shave and repeatedly cutting himself. I didn't really understand the relevance to visual communication the video had until after the clip had ended and we discussed what had happened and now it had made us feel. Personally I couldn't bare to watch it as the gore made me feel sick.

Sunday 22 January 2012

Graffiti Creator


This image was created by using a site called I choose a recent picture of myself in Switzerland. The wording is simply '01' repeated over and over, but if I had wanted to I could have changed the wording to something else.


We created an animation in this seminar, we used a program called '2simple2animate'. After being shown what to do, I had a little explore of the software, trying to get the basics of how it worked within the program there was two types of animation you could do :
Simple - Small amount of buttons, very easy to use.
Advanced - Allows you more control of your animation for example speeding up your animation.
We had to create an animated clip to a popular phrase then it was shown in front of the class and we had to guess the phrase.

Creating a Wiki

During this seminar we created a group wiki. We created a group page and folder. In small groups we were given different topics, my group was asked to do 'Education in the Future' within this topic we were each given a title, I had 'How will children learn'. I talked about less need for paper resources such as books and how most work will be ICT-based. It was difficult to predict what will happen in the future and there's not much research into the topic. But we can take a good guess of what is going to happen by comparing what has happened over the last few decades.

Primary School Placement

During my week in work placement, I worked in a Reception class in a Primary school in my hometown, Cardiff. The class had 20 children, 1 teacher, 3 teaching assistants and myself. As it was nearly the end of term the children were getting ready to perform their Christmas concerts. Throughout the week the class had dress rehearsals so not much academic work was done. The children engaged in making Christmas hats and rehearsing their Christmas concert. They had 2 rehearsals and 2 main concerts, all the children's parents came to see the concerts. A lot of the children's activities were play-based as they are young and still developing key social skills. Although I was only there to observe, I had a very hands on week in the classroom, I would take groups of children and lead the activity for example when they were making the Christmas hats. 
I really enjoyed my weeks work experience in the primary school and I liked working with this particular age range.