Wednesday 29 February 2012

Mike Day - 28/02/2012

Mike Day was another guest lecturer we had to cover for Andy whilst he was away. Mike Day is the Chair of the Education Committee and Senior Cabinet Member, City & County of Swansea. He had never taken us for a lecture before and I found his lecture interesting.

He talked about policies in education, including the role of Local Education Authorities, policy and politics. He taught us about education policy and how it is a set of laws and rules that operate the education system, The aim of the policy is to reflect political opinions, tradition and values and to make fundamental choices, he also told us about how it is used to create a work force and to produce rounded individuals, it provides guidelines which are sometimes too strict, and do not allow you to do what you want. 

Considered by the education policy:

  • school size
  • school privatization 
  • class size
  • teachers pay
The education policy is created by politicians and practitioners, within the UK levels and Welsh government. There are a few things the welsh government cannot control such as the compulsory school age and teachers pay, but they can control the delivery of Welsh Medium and the foundation phase as these are specific to Wales.

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