Tuesday 7 February 2012

First Visual Communication Lesson - 23/01/2012

We had our first visual communication lesson today. Firstly we sat in a circle and talked about things that mean the most to us. This gave us a chance to get to know our new lecturer. After we discussed different paintings and how we saw them. The first painting we looked at was the famous painting called 'Scream', the class discussed how the painting is being portrayed. The second painting was a picture with the words 'Ich Habe Angst' we discussed this picture and its significance. After the paintings we watched a short film called 'the big shave'. It is of a man having a shave and repeatedly cutting himself. I didn't really understand the relevance to visual communication the video had until after the clip had ended and we discussed what had happened and now it had made us feel. Personally I couldn't bare to watch it as the gore made me feel sick.

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