Friday 4 May 2012

My Assignment (the beginning)

For my visual communication assignment I have decided I want to do, after seeing example projects in Mandy's sessions a few months ago, I think it would be nice to make a sketchbook full of photos of my sense of place, I have decided that I will base my project on my holidays.  Photos are a big part of my life, I like looking back at the memories I've had and the important people in my life in those memories. 

In my halls my room wall is full of photos, and lots of different things to remind me of my memories such as train tickets etc. 

   My room in halls

I made a mind map of the things I love and what means a sense of place to me.

I also did a picture board of all different cut outs from magazines and newspapers that remind me of different things I love, such as school, home, friends, and family. 
I decided to mind map some ideas of what to do to present my visual communication project.   
Some of my ideas are :
  • research about different countries
  • photos of my holidays
  • how it has effected my life/upbringing
  • holidays I've been on
  • how I have developed my understanding of the world
  • the people I have met
  • how they live different to how I live
  • etc..
I research some potential pictures from my holiday I could use.
I finally decided on my two ideas, the non ICT-based on being the map with postcards, and the ICT-based being the movie of my holiday photos.

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