Wednesday 29 February 2012

Visual Communication Lesson 3 - 13/02/2012

We began the lesson by talking about our sense of place. We discussed things such as :

  • identity
  • home
  • family
  • culture
We talked about what a sense of place means to us. We wrote down our sense of place on individual pieces of paper and threw them around the class until each person had someone else sense of place, one by one we read them aloud and then we asked the people to give more detail about what the particular sense of place meant to them. My sense of place was my grandma's house, she passed away a few years ago, but through my childhood I went to her house everyday and basically grew up there. She was more than a grandmother to me she was like a second mum and I really felt like I belonged there, that's why I chose that as my sense of place.
Our homework that was set in this lesson was to remember when we felt a strong emotion and express and discuss it.

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