Tuesday 7 February 2012

Guest Lecturers to cover Andy's absence - 23/01/2012

Unfortunately our lecturer Andy Reynolds was taken ill over the christmas holidays. We have been provided with guest lecturers who will be talking to us about different topics involved with education studies.

Today our guest lecturer is Steve Gullick, he talked to us about the roles of the governing body within a school setting. The governing body do many things, their main role is to promote high standards of educational achievement. They take general responsibility for the conduct of the school, managing the schools budget, including making decisions on staff pay, making sure that the curriculum and religious education are taught. They governing body participate in the appointment of the headteacher and deputy headteacher and other staff, also they are in charge of drawing up an action plan after an inspection.

Steve showed us an example of an agenda for a governing body meeting from a school.


  1. Apologies for absence
  2. Minutes of previous meeting
  3. Matters arising
  4. Head teacher's report
  5. Report of Finance Committee
  6. Progress on School Development Plan
  7. Change of school uniform
  8. Report on Governor's Conference
  9. Any other business
  10. Date and time of next meeting
According to the Department of Education (2012) a governing body has 8 main roles:

  • Allowances and expenses for governors
  • School prospectus
  • Complaints (general and curriculum)
  • Constitution of the governing body and instrument of government  
  • Committees formation, delegation and operation
  • Meetings of the governing body and its committees
  • Register of business interests of governors
  • Standing orders and terms of reference.


Department of Education (2012) Governing Body - an overview Retrieved 2nd May 2012 from  http://www.education.gov.uk/schools/leadership/governance/a0056658/governing-body-an-overview

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