Tuesday 8 October 2013

Third and final year at Swansea Met!

Homework for our first seminar in Education Futures - Learning environments

'Digital Learning Environments
Over the last decade there have been vast changes in the way we live, learn and work, and with the advancement of technology and new learning tools, these things will continue to evolve. Today’s learners need new skills to survive and thrive in the future. Education should combine practical, intellectual, and social skills as never before.'
I agree with the statement above, as even over the last year we have seen major changes in education using technology, it seems that most schools now have children using Ipad/tablets or at least very hi-tech computers. I think it is important in our society to keep updated with new technology etc as at the speed our country is developing it is easy to be left behind, in offices and schools especially! 

As for new developing technology, learning environments are always changing with the introduction of new learning materials, it seems the need for paper is slowly disappearing! Is this a good thing? I think so. I guess in a way we are becoming more sustainable, in terms cutting down the amount of paper we use, therefore saving trees! But on the otherhand, what do we use to power this new technology? Renewable energy... yes maybe but its going to be a long time before we give up on non-renewable.

Within a classroom, technology can been seen everywhere. Registers are taken using a computer, lessons are conducted using the latest technology (powerpoints etc), school assemblies use powerpoint presentations and digital projectors to show videos. Within an office, meetings and conferences are held over Skype (or a similar program), and most employees have their own computer/laptop at their desk.

I work in a small cafe in Mumbles, all our table bookings and events are all kept in an Ipad on the counter, we also have Asana, a shared task list that is synced with the cafe ipad and owners iphone which makes communication between the staff and the owner easy. Just shows that even small businesses are constantly keeping up with technology.

I think the development of technology has improved the way we learn, it has also made information more accessible. Most people now have smartphones enabling them to be online whenever and wherever they want and I just found out I can download the blogger app on my Iphone, making it even easier to blog!

Em x

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