Tuesday 15 October 2013

My opinion of gaming

In my opinion gaming plays a major role in people's lives. Gaming is not necessarily online or using a games console, it can range from games such as jigsaws and puzzles to board games. The gaming industry is worth millions of pounds and computer games are becoming more and more popular.

On the other hand, there are a lot more games made just for fun. A lot of people's hobbies are playing computer games, but there can be problems, such as people becoming too addicted to playing games and spending far too much time on them and games encouraging people to be violent towards other characters in the game.

These days people spend more and more time gaming. But is it a good thing? Games can be educational, such as BBC Bitesize and other online games for children. These types of games are beneficial because not only are children learning how to use a computer but also learning a topic related to what they learn in school. Learning using a computer, I think, engages children more as they are keen to learn using something fun like a game on a computer.

Another point is we are all going to become couch potatoes if we are constantly sitting inside gaming, games are so addictive now people seem to forget about the outside world or getting some exercise.

So in conclusion I think gaming is good for an activity when you have spare time but it can be too addicting and expensive.

Em :)

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