Friday 4 May 2012

My Assignment (continued)

Influences and Ideas from others
In my sketchbook I looked at different artists that had drawn the places I have been on holiday, originally I was going to incorporate this into my final piece. I decided not to as I am not very confident at drawing, and felt my drawings were not good enough. Also in my sketchbook I have made a section on the different countries I have been to and how they live differently to me. I wrote about France, Spain, Italy, Greece, Switzerland, Turkey and West Wales and how they are important to me. 

Development of Ideas
For my ICT idea I will need to decide:
- what countries I will use
- what photos 
- slide transitions
- titles, captions and credits.

For my non-ICT idea I will also need to decide:
- what photos to use (preferably ones that look similar to postcards)
- what countries I will use to write about
- how I will make the photos look like postcards

I then had to decide how to attach the postcards to the map and what I wanted to write on the postcards. 

Making my project - the whole process
I began by planning my sense of place by making a picture board with what I think means a sense of place. We did this in one of our sessions for Suzie. 
I decided to make my project on an A1 piece of paper, then glued the two pieces of paper together to give it a bit of thickness. 
I drew a map of Europe on the paper by copying a picture which I had found the internet. 
I decided to use Acrylic paints to paint the countries and watercolour to paint the sea. 
After attempting to paint the sea with watercolour I discovered it wasnt very effective and looked too streaky. 
I decided to paint the sea in Acrylic too. 
I painted the sea and then outlined the countries with think black pen and wrote the names of the countries. 
I then began making the postcards, I cut card using pinking shears, I printed out my photos and glued them onto the card. I wrote on the cards why each country is important to me and interesting. 
I made the card look like a postcard by drawing a stamp place and using the same layout as a postcard. I cut up small pieces of string and made holes in the postcards using a hole punch. 
I put string through the card and hung them near the relevant country. They have the writing face down so the picture is showing, and is the main visual feature. You can turn the postcards around to read the descriptions.

And this is my final piece :) 

Throughout this project I had kept my one favourite idea in mind, I really enjoyed this project as it gave me a chance to express myself in a different way. Normally we are assessed by essays or presentations, and although this was a presentation in a way, it was a test of our creativity. It was nice to use lots of colour and images as normally in an essay you dont really get an opportunity to do that. I would have liked to have used both my non ICT and ICT ideas as it would have been nice to show I am willing to use both types of visual communication. But although I didnt use both ideas I still incorporated to use of ICT and non   ICT as I used a camera to take the photos originally, and edited and printed them using a computer. Also the non ICT side to things was my drawing of the map of Europe and painting the countries. I really enjoyed being so creative during this project, and I would definitely like to do something similar again.
My Assignment (the beginning)

For my visual communication assignment I have decided I want to do, after seeing example projects in Mandy's sessions a few months ago, I think it would be nice to make a sketchbook full of photos of my sense of place, I have decided that I will base my project on my holidays.  Photos are a big part of my life, I like looking back at the memories I've had and the important people in my life in those memories. 

In my halls my room wall is full of photos, and lots of different things to remind me of my memories such as train tickets etc. 

   My room in halls

I made a mind map of the things I love and what means a sense of place to me.

I also did a picture board of all different cut outs from magazines and newspapers that remind me of different things I love, such as school, home, friends, and family. 
I decided to mind map some ideas of what to do to present my visual communication project.   
Some of my ideas are :
  • research about different countries
  • photos of my holidays
  • how it has effected my life/upbringing
  • holidays I've been on
  • how I have developed my understanding of the world
  • the people I have met
  • how they live different to how I live
  • etc..
I research some potential pictures from my holiday I could use.
I finally decided on my two ideas, the non ICT-based on being the map with postcards, and the ICT-based being the movie of my holiday photos.

Wednesday 2 May 2012

Alice Davies - 13/03/2012

Widening access in the Welsh context

Alice Davies is a member of South West Wales Reaching Wider Consortium. Widening access is  about increasing opportunities for people from a diverse range of backgrounds to benefit from higher education. 

   We want to see a country where every individual is given equal opportunity to fulfil their potential, maximise their earning potential and contribute to society’
 Jane Davidson AM
Minister for Education and Lifelong Learning
March 2002
Why are they widening access?
- HE is required to provide equality
- There is still poverty
- Increase the number of people from under represented groups in higher education such as
disabilities, low income families, black and ethnic minority communities, people from
communities first wards, looked after children and care leavers.

Under represented groups are:
- people from specific black and ethnic minority communities
- people with disabilities
- people from low income families
- people from Communities First wards
- looked after children and care leavers.

Communities First
Communities first support the 100 most deprived areas in Wales.
'Communities First is the Welsh Government's flagship programme to improve the living 
conditions and prospects for people in the most disadvantaged communities across Wales.'
Welsh Government (2012)
The Welsh Index of Multiple Deprivation (2000) focuses on income, employment, health,
education, housing, access to services.

HEFCW – Higher Education funding council for Wales.

- Fee planning -  justify why they are charging amount of money for fees, plan who will
benefit from the money.
- WA premium - widening access premium, uni gets more money if you come from a
deprived place, or have a disability, basically any of the points above.
- WA strategy funding 
- Reaching Wider - was established in 2002 by HEFCW to break down the barriers and
widen access to learning, and the support social inclusion and economic up-skilling. 
'The strategy set out a range of targets for higher education Wales, to be achieved by 2010,
relating to widening access, Welsh medium provision, Wales as a destination of first choice,
overseas students, reducing overhead costs, 'spinout' companies from universities and
research income.' Higher education funding council for Wales (2009).

Alice also talked about the three regional partnerships; North and Mid Wales, First Campus
- South East, South West Wales partnership. The South West Wales partnership consists of 
Swansea, Neath-Port Talbot, Carmarthenshire, and Pembrokeshire. The members of the 
partnership are HE, FE, Local authorities, Careers Wales, Third sector, and  Communities
First. Their aims are encourage progression to higher education, assist with enhancing
achievement, work with severe relative social disadvantage, focus on underrepresented

She then went on to tell us about the work that she does. They aim to raise aspiration and
raise attainment. There are programmes for different school years to encourage people from
different background to enter higher and further education. 
Her aims for the future are:
Contextual admissions
•More HE in FE
More part time study/distance learning
•More Adult Education

Welsh Government (2012) Communities First Retrieved 2nd May 2012 from

Higher education funding council for Wales (2009) Reaching Higher strategy for higher
education - Retrieved 2nd May 2012 from