Wednesday 5 March 2014

Lesson Planning / Educational Gaming Day

We had a games day in university, where we were able to try different games consoles and see for ourselves how educational these games can be. We used computers, Xbox's, Wii's, Ipads, and Lenovo All in One Touchscreen PC. On each console there was a different game and it was interesting to see the difference between both console and educational purpose. I particular found the Xbox connect a good way of learning, although it could be developed to have a game with more educational purpose, I think it would allow the student to be psychically active whilst learning and therefore hold their attention longer. The Xbox Connect also allows you to either play alone or with a friend, so both independent learning and teamwork can be incorporated. This is a brief lesson plan created to show how an Xbox can support learning. 

Lesson Plan
Learning Objective:
To be able to work both individually and as a team and communicate well with each other. 

Key Skills:
Communication and Teamwork.

Improvement of communication skills
Confidence to work both in a team and alone

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