Sunday 22 January 2012

Graffiti Creator


This image was created by using a site called I choose a recent picture of myself in Switzerland. The wording is simply '01' repeated over and over, but if I had wanted to I could have changed the wording to something else.


We created an animation in this seminar, we used a program called '2simple2animate'. After being shown what to do, I had a little explore of the software, trying to get the basics of how it worked within the program there was two types of animation you could do :
Simple - Small amount of buttons, very easy to use.
Advanced - Allows you more control of your animation for example speeding up your animation.
We had to create an animated clip to a popular phrase then it was shown in front of the class and we had to guess the phrase.

Creating a Wiki

During this seminar we created a group wiki. We created a group page and folder. In small groups we were given different topics, my group was asked to do 'Education in the Future' within this topic we were each given a title, I had 'How will children learn'. I talked about less need for paper resources such as books and how most work will be ICT-based. It was difficult to predict what will happen in the future and there's not much research into the topic. But we can take a good guess of what is going to happen by comparing what has happened over the last few decades.

Primary School Placement

During my week in work placement, I worked in a Reception class in a Primary school in my hometown, Cardiff. The class had 20 children, 1 teacher, 3 teaching assistants and myself. As it was nearly the end of term the children were getting ready to perform their Christmas concerts. Throughout the week the class had dress rehearsals so not much academic work was done. The children engaged in making Christmas hats and rehearsing their Christmas concert. They had 2 rehearsals and 2 main concerts, all the children's parents came to see the concerts. A lot of the children's activities were play-based as they are young and still developing key social skills. Although I was only there to observe, I had a very hands on week in the classroom, I would take groups of children and lead the activity for example when they were making the Christmas hats. 
I really enjoyed my weeks work experience in the primary school and I liked working with this particular age range.